/Test Layout/

"/making layouts"
Put a tiny description about yaself!
Mood: inspired
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Contacting /Test Layout/
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/Test Layout/'s Interests
General |
Personally....I think scrollboxes are best used here to keep everything together but feel free to write as you please in here without them! If you are looking for a scrollbox, you can find ones that suit the style on my website!
Music |
The default music player for these layouts is 'Soundcloud' but I do have a compatible Youtube version on my website as well, check it out!
Movies |
For some reason, my coding removes the 'Television' row....I apologize. Workaround: Combine the Movies/TV category! Imma work it out eventually lol |
Television |
This row may work.....or it may not... |
Books |
Speaking of books, make sure to read the notes/instructions I've written to get the layout juuuuuust right. |
Heroes |
Strive to be your own hero.
/Test Layout/'s Links
/Test Layout/'s Blurbs
About me:
this is some good head-er...
Hello all, so you've chosen this layout to preview...nice choice! I always knew you had good taste. So you've noticed, I'm sure, that I have chosen to remove the 'About Me' and 'Who I'd Like To Meet' Section, but I did this purely for customization purposes. This way you can make the headers say what you want without some excess coding! Simply enclose the sentence you want like so:
SIDENOTES: The scrollbars in the scrollboxes are hidden, just use the middle scroll on your mouse. Wow, I said scroll a lot.....
I've also changed most of the font html styles as you can see below to really create a stylistic way of typing!
Who I'd like to meet:
Before I cause more damage
A small price to pay
For building houses out of matchsticks
& when things get too hot
You've got me to blame,
For every fire that breaks out in every lover's name...
Get The Code:
**To get the proper 'YOUTUBE' or 'SOUNDCLOUD' music embed,
/Test Layout/'s Friend Space
[view all]/Test Layout/ has 3 friends.
/Test Layout/'s Friends Comments
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Hey! Did you hear the one about the... |
...shhhh...just, no. (:
by /Test Layout/; ; Report